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Program Announced for WFO Technical Forum at GIFA 2011
Four-day conference opens to all, will address technical advances, process developments, and design trends
For metallurgists and metal casters with an academic bent, the attraction in Düsseldorf this summer won’t be just the acres of products and equipment displayed at GIFA 2011, the 12th International Foundry Trade Fair. They will be concentrating also on the World Foundry Organization’s Technical Forum, a four-day series of presentations by researchers and technicians documenting recent progress in metallurgy and metal casting processes.
GIFA and the WFO Technical Forum take place June 28 through July 2, at Messe Düsseldorf.
The WFO is a global consortium of more than 30 national foundry trade associations, which coordinates and documents information as a resource for metal casting research and activity.
The WFO Technical Forum is a traditional companion to the GIFA event. The 2011 Forum will follow the template set with the 2007 program, involving a regularly schedule presentations in an auditorium on the fairground, adjacent to the exhibits so registrants to the expo can visit the conference at no cost.
The preliminary program lists over 40 30-minute presentations on topics ranging from metallurgy to moulding methods, as well as casting processes, die-casting techniques, heating, and finishing.
The program (listed below) includes numerous presentations chosen for attendees of NEWCAST, the 3rd International Trade Fair for Precision Castings, an exhibition that highlights casting designs and applications. In line with that area of interest, the WFO forum will feature presentations on casting process simulation, metal solidification, metal-matrix composite technology, and numerous other specialties.
WFO TECHNICAL FORUM June 28 – July 1, 2011 in Düsseldorf
Tuesday, June 28, 2011 WFO Technical Forum
10:00 Opening
A. Turner, World Foundrymen Organization Ltd., West Midlands/UK
10:30 — Modern engine concepts require new binder and refractory coating solutions
A. Serghini*, Dr. K. Seeger, Hüttenes-Albertus Chemische Werke GmbH, Düsseldorf , Germany
11:00 — Technology for gravity and low-pressure pouring of iron metals
Dr.-Ing. M. Rische*, S. Andorf, Dr.-Ing. E. Dötsch, ABP Induction Systems GmbH, Dortmund , Germany
11:30 — Reclamation of water glass ester old sands in a medium size aluminum foundry
Dr. H. Polzin*, P. Jaruszewski, J. Müller-Späth, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Freiberg , Germany
12:00 — Inorganic binder system in the sandwich between “technology push“ and “market pull“ - The basis for continuous success?
Dr. J. Müller*, Dr. C. Wallenhorst, ASK Chemicals GmbH, Hilden , Germany
12:30 — Foundrybench - Energy saving options in foundries
M. Tapola, AX-LVI Consulting Ltd, Tampere , Finland
13:00 Break
13:15 — Development of aeration molding method and practical use of a small-size flaskless molding machine
S. Tsuzuki*, Y. Hadano, T. Komiyama, S. Takasu, Sintokogio Ltd., Toyokawa , Japan
13:45 — Quick dry no-cement castables: A novel non-cementitious mineral bond permitting extreme rapid dry out &heating up of monolithic refractory linings
J. Soudier*, Calderys, Saint Quentin Fallavier, France; P. Malkmus, Calderys, Neuwied, Germany
14:15 — Evaluation of the influence of different carbide forming elements on the microstructure and the properties of ferritic ductile iron
U. Petzschmann*, Dr. G. Wolf, Dr. W. Stets, IfG Institut für Giessereitechnik gGmbH, Düsseldorf, Germany
14:45 — A new process for the ductile iron foundry melt shop
B. Simmons, Foseco International Limited, Tamworth/UK
15:15 — Improvement in die coating performance with parameter design of quality engineering
A. Ogasawara*, Honda Motor Co., Ltd,, Japan; K. Ishikawa, S. Takechi, Direct Sen Bou Co., Ltd., Japan; H. Kosugi, Moto Honda da Amazonia Ltda., Brazil
15:45 — Prediction of the microstructure of austempered ductile iron casting parts after heat treatment
U. Getzla, ACTech GmbH, Freiberg, Germany; O. Köser*, A. Jacot, Calcom ESI, Lausanne, Switzerland
16:15 — Autonomous optimization of casting processes and designs
I. Hahn, Dr-Ing. J. C. Sturm*, MAGMA Giessereitechnologie GmbH, Aachen , Germany
16:45 — Cored, stable aluminum tube inlays for high-pressure diecasting, magnesium casting, and other casting processes
F. Heppes*, Dr. S. Rupp, Drahtzug Stein combicore GmbH & Co. KG, Grünstadt, Germany
17:15 End
* Speaker subject to change
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
10:00 — Simulation of distortion and residual stress in high-pressure diecasting – a comparison between simulation and experiment
P. Hofer, Österreichisches Giesserei-Institut, Leoben, Austria
10:30 — Nodular ductile cast iron – Influences of microstructure on structural durability
A. Heinrietz*, J. Eunger, Fraunhofer-Institut für Betriebsfestigkeit und Systemzuverlässigkeit LBF, Darmstadt, Germany; A. Sobota, Institut für Giessereitechnik gGmbH, Düsseldorf, Germany
11:00 — Influence of microstructural defects of austempered ductile iron on mechanical properties
A. Sobota*, IfG Institut für Giessereitechnik gGmbH, Düsseldorf , Germany ; A. Nissen, Frankenberg , Germany ; Dr.-Ing. P. Trubitz, Institut für Werksto technik, TU Bergakademie Freiberg , Germany
11:30 — Energy and material efficient production of hybrid metal plastic components
T. Zucker*, K. Morgenstern, Dr. W. Nendel, TU Chemnitz, Chemnitz, Germany; B. Zimmer, Goepfert Werkzeug & Formenbau GmbH & Co. Teilefertigung KG, Weimar, Germany; Dr.-Ing. N. Erhard, H. Dannenmann, J. Kurz, Oskar Frech GmbH + Co. KG, Schorndorf-Weiler , Germany
12:00 — Fast and economically to more material and energy efficient cast parts
Dr.-Ing. T. Schmidt, Heidenreich & Harbeck AG, Mölln , Germany
12:30 — Simulation-aided optimization of runner systems for aluminum sand castings
Dr.-Ing. G. Dieckhues, Ohm & Häner Metallwerk GmbH & Co. KG, Olpe , Germany
13:00 Break
13:15 — Paradigm shift in revised EN 1563 enables improved properties and production economy (GJS) in both as-cast and austempered states
Dr. R. Larker, Indexator AB , Vindeln/Sweden
13:45 — Use of casting technologies for production of in wheel motors
F. J. Wöstmann*, A. Kock, D. Schmidt, F. Horsch, H. Pleteit, M. Gröninger, Fraunhofer Institut für Fertigungstechnik und Angewandte Materialforschung - IFAM, Bremen, Germany
14:15 — Mold and core future has started today - conditions for future mold- and core production are developed
C. Grefhorst*, Dr. O. Podobed, S&B Industrial Minerals, Marl, Germany; V. Lafay, S&B Industrial Minerals, Cincinnati, OH, U.S.A.; N. Rickardson, S&B Industrial Minerals, Montoir, France
14:45 End
Thursday, June 30, 2011 WFO Technical Forum
10:00 — Knowledge-based control of molding processes in foundries by real-time analysis of product and process data
M. Dittrich*, Heinrich Wagner Sinto Maschinenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG, Bad Laasphe , Germany , D. Metz, Prof. Dr.-Ing. M. Grauer, S. Karadgi, Universität Siegen ; Prof. Dr.-Ing. J. Bast, TU Bergakademie Freiberg , Freiberg ; Dr.-Ing. G. Dieckhues, Ohm & Häner Metallwerk GmbH & Co. KG, Olpe , Germany
10:30 — High-volume production with inorganic core technology at Volkswagen Foundry Hanover
K. Gehring, Dr.-Ing. F. Hansen*, G. Jäger, S. Uhde, Volkswagen, Hanover Foundry , Hanover , Germany ; K. Löchte, Dr. rer. nat. U. Pohlmann, Hüttenes-Albertus Chemische Werke GmbH, Düsseldorf , Germany
11:00 — Technology and configuration of porous burners made by Promeos
Dr.-Ing. J. Volkert, promeos GmbH, Erlangen , Germany
11:30 — Modulated machine design for core production with inorganic binder
R. Wintgens, Laempe & Mössner GmbH, Schopfheim, Germany
12:00 — Cleantech: The new core making process for aluminum casting
M. Vargas*, S. Sarrazin, Tung-Fai Lo, Hüttenes Albertus , France
12:30 — The path to an economical and emission-free foundry
B. Münker*, Daimler AG, Stuttgart, Germany; R. Böhm, Hüttenes-Albertus Chemische Werke GmbH, Düsseldorf, Germany; M. C. Schneider, MAGMA GmbH, Aachen, Germany
13:00 Break
13:15 — Higher productivity by enhanced coatings for the gravity and low pressure gravity diecasting process
Dr. R. Stötzel, ASK Chemicals GmbH, Hilden , Germany
13:45 — Simulation as a tool to reduce the time to market HPDC first shot meet the tolerances
K. Weiss*, C. Honsel, R. Vomhof; RWP GmbH, Roetgen, Germany; H. Zeilmaker, C. van den Broek, Brabant Alucast Products BV, AN Oss/The Netherlands; R. Krack, Schaufler Tooling GmbH & Co.KG, Laichingen, Germany
14:15 FGS – High-pressure diecasting without gating?
Dr.-Ing. N. Erhard*, D. Gerwig, Oskar Frech GmbH + Co. KG, Schorndorf-Weiler , Germany
14:45 — Lower your cost per casting by precise molding with the DISA MATCH machine
B. Haugbølle*, DISA Industries A/S, Herlev/Denmark; V. N. Satyanarayana, DISA India, Bangalore , India
15:15 — Some remarks on the reclaiming technology for inorganic core sands
Prof. Dr.-Ing. T. Steinhäuser*, B. Wehren, Universität Duisburg-Essen , Germany
15:45 Force Control – Robot based machining
M. Kohlmaier*, M. Kremer, ABB AG, Wr. Neudorf , Austria
16:15 — Water-free electrostatic spray technology for high pressure diecasting
K. Togawa*, H. Ohira, H. Komatsubara, M. Kobayashi, Aoki Science Institute/Lubrolene, Tokyo, Japan; R. Aoki, T. Hattori, Asahi Sunac, Owariasahi, Japan; T. Butler, Ultraseal International, Coventry/UK
16:45 — Energy-efficient decentralized dust separation technology using the example of fettling shop
B. Müller, Keller Lufttechnik GmbH + Co. KG, Kirchheim unter Teck , Germany
17:15 End
Friday, July 1, 2011
10:00 — Reliable prediction of residual stresses and distortions for large iron castings
Dr.-Ing. A. Egner-Walter, MAGMA Giessereitechnologie GmbH, Aachen , Germany
10:30 Rapid manufacturing by V-process
Dr.-Ing. J. Schädlich-Stubenrauch*, SpaceCast Präzisionsguss GmbH & Co. KG, Eschweiler , Germany ; Dr.-Ing. A. Kessler, IfG Institut für Giessereitechnik gGmbH, Düsseldorf , Germany
11:00 — Structural parts – a challenging growth opportunity
M. Fabbroni, Bühler Druckguss AG, Uzwil , Switzerland
11:30 — Net-shape casting of an inside thread in zinc diecasting
U. Schwab, Adolf Föhl Gmbh & Co. KG, Rudersberg , Germany
12:00 — Lead free bronze castings with sulfide dispersion for water supply products
Prof. Dr. T. Maruyama*, Dr. Eng. T. Kobayashi; Kansai University, Suita, Japan; R. Matsubayashi, K. Shimizu, Shiga Valve Cooperative, Hikone, Japan; H. Abe, North Eastern Industrial Research Center of Shiga Prefecture, Hikone, Japan
12:30 Break
Friday, July 1, 2011
WFO Technical Forum
12:45 — Project for energy and resource conservation during diecasting
U. Jordi, Bühler Druckguss AG, Uzwil , Switzerland
13:15 — Experiments and modeling of rotary degassing for aluminum foundries
Dr. P. V. Evans*, Technology Strategy Consultants, Blackwell/UK; R. Simon, A. Froescher, Foseco Foundry Division, Vesuvius GmbH, Borken, Germany; R. Kendrick, Foseco UK, Tamworth, England
13:45 — Simulation makes core manufacturing in the foundry transparent
M. Schneider*, I. Wagner, MAGMA Giessereitechnologie GmbH Aachen, Germany
14:15 — Wedge Theory - New approach to explain the formation of “Chunky Graphite” in ductile cast iron
A. Udroiu, Satef Hüttenes Albertus Spa, Italy
14:45 — Detection and evaluation of defined quality criteria in the casting production
R. Radecker*, Microvista GmbH, Blankenburg , Germany ; H. Meishner, Nemak Wernigerode GmbH, Wernigerode , Germany
15:15 — Effects of various parameters on the nodules distribution in heavy section casting
S. Grenier*, C. Labrecque, Rio Tinto Iron & Titanium, Sorel , Quebec , Canada
15:45 — Additive manufacturing processes for the production of sand molds and shells: Modern trends and possibilities for the South African foundry industry
D. Nyembwe, Department of Engineering Metallurgy, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
16:15 Closing remarks
Dr.-Ing. Gotthard Wolf, VDG Verein Deutscher Giessereifachleute e. V. Düsseldorf , Germany
16:30 End
Newcast Forum/WFO Technical Forum
Jume 28-July 1, in Düsseldorf
Promoter: VDG Verein Deutscher Giessereifachleute e.V.
Sohnstrasse 70, D-40237 Düsseldorf
Phone: +49 (0) 211 / 6871 – 332
Fax: +49 (0) 211 / 6871 – 109
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