Last Updated: 2/3/2025 11:08:00 PM
To maintain details of various incentive schemes of interest to the foundry industry
To maintain Various Govt. Notifications, circulars etc issued by Govt. from time to time particularly with regard to export, import, excise, taxation etc etc.
To reply to various queries received from IIF members & other interested users from time to time.
Since all important Govt offices & Industrial associations are located in Delhi, to liase with various deptts & bodies on matters of interest to the industry & to represent the IIF from time to time.
Any other matter as decided by the National Council or Office bearers or Chairman FIC.
Database on units accredited under ISO 9000/QS9000/TS –16949 & accreditation boards & certifying bodies etc.
Database on Small, Medium & Large units related to foundry industry.
Database on consultants, foundry equipment & material suppliers.
Database on foundries catering to various industrial sectors.
Statistical figures related to production, exports etc.
Database on foundry units categorywise based on the type of product, process used, industrial sector serviced, scale of production, quality accreditation, capacity installed, geographical location, in house manufacturing & testing facilities etc.
Database on potential customers sectorwise.
Database on pattern & die makers.
Database on exporters.
Database on importers.
Database on trend of prices of major inputs used in foundries.
Various incentives/funding schemes for the industry.
Various notifications, circulars etc.
Various events of interest.
Bibliography of various important technical articles for use by the members.
To make the information available less user friendly for use by industry.
To provide max possible information online.
To generate more comprehensive information on potential overseas customers & update regularly.