Last Updated: 2/3/2025 11:08:00 PM
Opportunities for energy conservation in the foundry industry; the tool kit believes in the principle of what can be measured and can be managed effectively & efficiently. It promotes simple, easy to implement measurable actions required in the industry with some case studies.
Nearly 5000 foundry units in India providing employment to 2 million people directly and indirectly located in various clusters across the country, majority being small and medium units producing a variety of raw and value added castings for downstream industry sector such as automobile, railways, textile, agriculture, cement, power, generation, machinery, etc. The actions taken by the industry in conservation of energy & natural resources like coke, oil, water, proper selection of equipments & best practices during shop floor operations & maintenance of equipments will not only improve the competitiveness of the industry but also encourage sustainable growth of the Foundry industry, which is vital for the growth and downstream industries as mentioned above and also for overall economic growth and employment opportunities in the country.
Most of the Foundry units, specially the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) use coke fired cupola as the melting furnaces, with coke as the fuel; although in some cases gas fired cupolas have also come up, especially in Agra. Besides several Foundries also use induction furnaces and other auxiliaries which have a huge potential for energy conservation and by selecting right type % size of equipment, periodical maintenance & by adopting best operational practices & by giving due focus in the area of energy conservation & by regular energy audits which can highlight the potential areas for energy conservation. Therefore actions on the ground are required, which makes all the difference in achieving our goals!! Each one of us has to make sincere efforts to be a responsible partner in achieving the energy conservation levels in the industry and the country. As Mahatma Gandhi has said, “Be the change you want to see in the world”.
It is very essential to select proper type & size of furnaces & auxiliaries and operate & maintain the equipment scientifically with proper measurements & controls which can help in reducing the energy consumption & thereby reducing the carbon emissions & conservation of natural resources like coke, oil, water, etc. and providing better and healthier workplace for the workmen.
The Institute of Indian Foundrymen (IIF) dedicates this tool kit for the benefit of all stakeholders specially the SMEs using cupolas, other type of furnaces for melting & various auxiliaries which are energy intensive & also for best operational practices which it is believed will be useful to the practicing Foundrymen related with design and operations of furnaces and other auxiliaries and will help them to adopt best practices and do their bit in energy conservation and conservation of natural resources.